Start Strong – The 4 Opening Touches

One of the most common reasons you get rejected is because the prospect thinks you’re a rando. In other words, you don’t work with anyone like them. 

But the reality is, 9/10 times, that’s not true. You probably have at least one customer where your prospect is their industry peer, in the same investor portfolio, or is even a direct competitor.

That's why Owler has partnered up with 30 Minutes to President's Club to break down opening prospecting touches using account insights.

What’s Inside the Guide

1. The Opening Email - great prospecting emails are short, punchy, and problem-centric.

2. The Opening LinkedIn Touch - avoid the “connect and pitch” mistake.

3. The Opening Cold Call - lead with context using “Heard the Name Tossed Around”.

4. The Opening Voicemail - drive to your follow-up email.

Actionable sales plays you can start using right now! 

Create outreach that leaves a strong first impression.

Leverage existing relationships to build a connection with your prospects.

Learn how to access precious nuggets of data on key accounts to stay relevant.

Make your first touch count.

Join the Owler Community to get intel on your prospects – it's free!

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